Layer One: On the outside
Name: Ahmad Hisyam b Amran. Birth date: 16/09/91
Current status: always available
Eye colour: hitam ke coklat?entahla
Hair colour: Black but some maroon-like because raya rambut last year
Righty/Lefty: Righty.
Layer Two: On the inside.
My Heritage: mix maybe (malay65%+chinese35%(believe it or not). . .
Fears: loneliness,height,blood
My tough points: err, nothing i guess.
My weakness: always annoying people kot. .
My perfect pizza: the larger the better.
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
My first thoughts waking up: "how did i get to sleep?"
My bedtime: Yesterday : 4am, serious.friends sleep'over at my house last night. School days : 11-12. depends.
Most missed memory: many~
Layer Four: My pick
Pepsi or Coke: vanilla coke
Mcdonald's or Burger King:McD
Single or Group Dates: err, group date? depends la
Adidas or Nike: adidas , I'm Liverpool fans la wey
Tea or Nestea: lol got differences leh?Nestea la
Chocolate or Vanilla: coklat
Cappuccino or Coffee: semua
Layer Five: Do you....
Smoke: no, but passive got lah because my friends always hisap ohh
Curse: definitely on some occassion
Drink: err u mean ? tea ok kot
Have a crush: ehem-ehem~no~
Think you've been in love:no
Go to school: perhaps~
Want to get married: yes la
Believe in yourself: ok lah, but a bit only
Think you're a health freak: yeah right ;D LOL
Layer Six: In the past.
Drank alcohol: nope.
Gone to the mall: errr?
Been on stage: hm?
Eaten sushi: got,last friday night
Dyed your hair: got.
Layer Seven: Have you ever...
Played a stripping game:errr?strip what?
Changed to fit in: hohoho
Layer Eight: Age you're hoping...
To be married: yes
To have kids: fate-fate-fate depends
To die: ermm ? u?
Layer nine: In a girl
Best eye colour: full black. got eh?.
Best hair colour: natural would do haha
Long or short hair:not to short one
Personality: optimistic.caring.many more la
Layer ten: What were you doing...
A minute ago: typing
An hour ago: guitar
Five hours ago: ps2.
A month ago: huh?
A year ago: (T_T)
Layer Eleven: Finish the sentences
I love: nature
I feel: awkward
I hate: people that always pandang rendah to other person
I hide: the fact that i'm an alien haha
I miss: childhood
Layer Twelve: I tag
1. Mei Yen back
(boleh x?)